Type aliases
Ƭ CardProps<T
>: Object
CardWindow provides the CardWindow.children
component with this props.
Type parameters
Name | Type |
T | extends any [] = any [] |
Type declaration
Name | Type | Description |
col | number | col is the rendered column. |
data | T | data is an array. CardWindow passes data to the CardWindow.children component. |
index | number | index is the index of the data allocated to the CardWindow.children component. |
row | number | row is the rendered row. |
style | CSSProperties | style should be passed to the root of the CardWindow.children component. |
Defined in
Ƭ CardWindowProps<T
>: Object
This props is for CardWindow. Missing description of function-type is bug.
Description of getKey
If you can use an id instead of array index for key,
define a getKey
Type parameters
Name | Type |
T | extends any [] = any [] |
Type declaration
Name | Type | Description |
cardRect | Rect | cardRect is used to calculate the rendering of CardWindow.children component. |
children | React.ComponentType <CardProps <T >> | children is a component that receives CardProps<T> . |
container? | { className? : string ; style? : Omit <CSSProperties , "width" | "height" > } | - |
container.className? | string | container.className are passed to the scrollable large container element. | | Omit <CSSProperties , "width" | "height" > | are passed to the scrollable large container element. |
data | T | data is an array. CardWindow passes data to CardWindow.children component. |
justifyContent? | JustifyContent | JustifyContent only supports 7 values. If the value is stretch , the has { flexBasis: 'auto' } . |
lastRowAlign? | LastRowAlign | LastRowAlign that defines how to align when the number of cards in the last row is less than the number of columns. |
loading? | Loading | loading? is a property for the infinite loading feature. |
maxCols? | number | Maximum number of columns can be set. |
overScanPx? | number | The number of px to render outside of the visible area. By default, CardWindow overscans 200px. |
root? | { className? : string ; style? : Omit <CSSProperties , "overflow" > } | - |
root.className? | string | root.className are passed to the root element of CardWindow . | | Omit <CSSProperties , "overflow" > | are passed to the root element of CardWindow . |
spacing? | Partial <Spacing > | These values are px . The defaults are 8px. |
thresholdOfVisible? | number | thresholdOfVisible is used for card visibility in onScroll event. Please set a value between 0 and 1. The default is 0.5. |
getKey? | (index : number , data : T ) => string | If you can use an id instead of array index for key, define a getKey function. |
onScroll? | (props : OnScrollProps ) => void | Called when the CardWindow scroll positions changes. |
Defined in
Ƭ JustifyContent: "left"
| "right"
| "center"
| "space-around"
| "space-between"
| "space-evenly"
| "stretch"
JustifyContent only supports 7 values.
If the value is stretch
, the
has { flexBasis: 'auto' }
Defined in
Ƭ LastRowAlign: "left"
| "right"
| "inherit"
that defines how to align
when the number of cards in the last row is less than the number of columns.
Defined in
Ƭ Loading: LoadingCard
| LoadingRow
There are two rendering types for the infinite loading feature.
Defined in
Ƭ LoadingCard: Object
LoadingCard(type: 'card'
) displays the loading component after the last card.
Missing description of function-type is bug.
Description of loadMore
is called when LoadingCard.Component
is rendered.
Type declaration
Name | Type | Description |
LoadingComponent | React.ComponentType <LoadingCardComponentProps > | LoadingCard.Component is rendered after the last card. |
count? | number | LoadingCard.count is the number of loading cards to display. |
type | "card" | - |
loadMore? | () => void | loadMore is called when LoadingCard.Component is rendered. |
Defined in
Ƭ LoadingCardComponentProps: Object
CardWindow provides LoadingCard.Component
with this props.
Type declaration
Name | Type | Description |
col | number | col is the rendered column. |
row | number | row is the rendered row. |
style | CSSProperties | style should be passed to the root of LoadingCard.Component . |
Defined in
Ƭ LoadingRow: Object
LoadingRow(type: 'row'
) displays the loading component in the center next to the last row.
Missing description of function-type is bug.
Description of loadMore
is called when LoadingRow.Component
is rendered.
Type declaration
Name | Type | Description |
LoadingComponent | React.ComponentType <LoadingRowComponentProps > | LoadingRow.Component is rendered in the center next to the last row. |
height | number | height is the height of LoadingRow.Component . |
type | "row" | - |
loadMore? | () => void | loadMore is called when LoadingRow.Component is rendered. |
Defined in
Ƭ LoadingRowComponentProps: Object
CardWindow provides LoadingRow.Component
with this props.
Type declaration
Name | Type | Description |
style | CSSProperties | style should be passed to the root of LoadingRow.Component . |
Defined in
Ƭ OnScrollProps: Object
Type declaration
Name | Type | Description |
direction | ScrollDirection | direction is either "forward" or "backward". |
indexesOfVisible | number [] | |
offset | number | offset is a number. |
updateWasRequested | boolean | updateWasRequested is a boolean. |
Defined in
Ƭ Rect: Object
These values are px
Type declaration
Name | Type |
height | number |
width | number |
Defined in
Ƭ ScrollDirection: "forward"
| "backward"
Defined in
Ƭ Spacing: Partial
Defined in
• Const
CardWindow: React.FC
Defined in
▸ range(_start
, _end?
): number
Name | Type |
_start | number |
_end? | number |
Defined in
▸ useResizeObserver<T
>(): Partial
> & { ref
: RefObject
> }
is a custom Hook for monitoring the size of the element.
If you give the hook an initial value for the element size, the hook will return that element size if ref is null.
const initialSize = { width: 200, height: 100 };
export const Example: React.FC = () => {
const [{ width, height }, ref] = useResizeObserver<HTMLDivElement>();
if (ref.current === null) {
console.log(`width: ${width}`); // 200 from initialSize
console.log(`height: ${height}`); // 100 from initialSize
} else {
console.log(`width: ${width}`); // actual element width
console.log(`height: ${height}`); // actual element height
return (
<div ref={ref}>
Type parameters
Name | Type |
T | extends Element |
> & { ref
: RefObject
> }